We offer a wide range of general dentistry needs

General Dentistry in Hallam

As your local trusted dentist, we can help you keep your teeth & gum healthy with our exceptional general dentistry that includes broken tooth etc.

Wide range of general dentistry solutions

Best General Dentistry Services for Bullet Proof Oral Health

Do you know that we offer Happy Gas Sedation. If you are feeling nervous about having dental treatment, We offer nitrous gas sedation (commonly known as “happy gas”) to reduce your anxiety so you can have your treatment with confidence.

Dental check-ups and clean

At Hallam Smiles Dental, we offer high quality dental check-ups in a comfortable and relaxed environment. 

Benefit of regular dental check-ups should not be ignored and we at Hallam Smiles Dental understand the importance of quality and affordability. Our dental check-ups and clean appointments are thorough, our dentists take the time to assess your oral health by looking at your teeth, gums and jaw. Our highly skilled team of dentists make sure that your regular dental check-ups are of the highest standard and are done with care.

Our dentists place a high priority on providing gentle care. This is one of the reasons why our patients are loyal to us.

Dentists assess and evaluate which treatment option will be the most effective rather than the most appealing. Book your consultation now to discuss what solution is right for you.

Dental emergency

A dental emergency pertains to any urgent dental problem that necessitates immediate attention from a dentist.
This encompasses:

Dental fillings

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort from a tooth, sensitivity or tenderness while eating cold or hot food or drinks, this could be an indication that you have a cavity and need a dental filling. Relax, you can expect minimal discomfort, if any, in the hands of our gentle dentists who use your choice of filling material, and the latest technologies, to restore your tooth to its natural look and function. Fillings are performed to restore decayed or broken teeth. They are usually tooth-coloured (white in colour). Regular check-ups and x-rays are recommended so that we detect cavities early while they are small and managed easily. 

Dental fillings are essential for maintaining oral health. They help restore teeth that have been damaged by decay or fractures. Here are some key points about dental fillings:

  1. Purpose: Dental fillings are used to repair cavities caused by tooth decay. They restore the tooth’s structure and prevent further decay.

  2. Materials: Various materials can be used for fillings, for example:

    • Amalgam: A mixture of metals (including silver, tin, copper, and mercury). It’s durable but less aesthetically pleasing.
    • Composite resin: A tooth-colored material that blends with natural teeth. It’s commonly used for visible areas.
  3. Procedure:

    • The dentist removes the decayed portion of the tooth.
    • The cavity is cleaned and prepared.
    • The chosen filling material is placed in the cavity.
    • The filling is shaped and polished to match the tooth’s contours.
  4. Aftercare:

    • Maintain good oral hygiene to prevent further decay.
    • Avoid biting hard objects to prevent damage to the filling.
    • Regular dental check-ups are crucial to monitor fillings and overall oral health.

Remember, dental fillings play a vital role in preserving your smile and oral well-being!

Wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth removal, also known as wisdom tooth extraction, is a common dental procedure and our highly skilled densists perform the procedure on regular basis. What does it entails:

  1. What Are Wisdom Teeth?

    • Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, usually emerge between the ages of 17 and 25.
    • They can become impacted (not enough room to break through the skin) or cause various dental issues.
  2. The Procedure:

    • Purpose: To remove impacted or problematic wisdom teeth.
    • Surgery: Typically performed by a dentist or oral surgeon.
    • Anesthesia: Given as gas or intravenously for pain prevention.
    • Extraction: The tooth is removed either whole or in pieces.
  3. Recovery:

    • Duration: Recovery can take up to six weeks, but most people resume normal activities within a couple of days.
    • Risks: Possible complications include infection, nerve injury. It’s important to keep your follow ups so we can fix issues early.
  4. Why Remove Wisdom Teeth?

    • Impaction: Wisdom teeth often lack space to emerge properly.
    • Other Reasons:
      • Pain
      • Trapping food behind the tooth
      • Infection or gum disease
      • Tooth decay
      • Damage to nearby teeth or bone
      • Development of cysts

Remember, timely wisdom teeth removal can prevent future problems and maintain your oral health! So don’t wait and get your oral health checked up by booking an appointment with our dentists.

Kids Dentistry

Taking care of children’s teeth is essential for their overall health. Here are some tips for children’s dental care:

  1. Brushing: Start brushing your child’s teeth as soon as the first tooth appears. Use a small, soft toothbrush. For babies without teeth, use a damp cloth to clean their gums. Once teeth come through, use water only. For children aged 18 months to six years, use a pea-sized amount of age-appropriate fluoride toothpaste.

  2. Supervision: Children should be supervised while brushing until around eight years old to ensure proper cleaning.

  3. Flossing: Teach children to floss daily once their teeth fit closely together (usually between two and six years old).

  4. Fluoride: Tap water contains fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay. Use fluoride toothpaste appropriate for your child’s age.

  5. Dental Services: In Australia, the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) covers dental services for eligible children aged 0 to 17. It includes check-ups, cleaning, fillings, and more

At Hallam Smiles, your children are well taken care of here. Both Australian and international paediatric dental associations recommend that a child should have his/her first dental visit by the first birthday. An early contact allows your child to meet the dental team in a positive and friendly way while we assess their teeth and growth. A simple check up will allow us to introduce the child to good dental habits and identify risk factors. We also provide information to caregivers about preventative oral care. Regular six monthly visits then allow your child to build a confident and trusting relationship with the dentist, putting them on a path to excellent oral health in the future.

Tooth extraction

Let’s see why you would need to extract your tooth and how can Hallam Smiles help you out:

  1. Reasons for Extraction:

    • Tooth Decay: Severely decayed teeth that can’t be saved.
    • Gum Disease: Advanced gum disease affecting the tooth’s stability.
    • Infection: Deep infection in the tooth.
    • Wisdom Teeth: Sometimes, those pesky wisdom teeth need to go.
    • Orthodontic Reasons: To create space or address overcrowding.
    • Trauma: Teeth damaged due to accidents or injury.
  2. The Procedure:

    • Local Anesthetic: Most extractions are done under local anesthesia.
    • Simple Extraction: Dentist loosens the tooth and removes it with forceps.
    • Complex Cases: Some may require general anesthesia in a hospital.
  3. Aftercare:

    • Blood Clot: Protect the blood clot that forms in the socket.
    • Rest: Rest for at least 24 hours after the extraction.
    • Gauze: Bite down on gauze to control bleeding.
    • Avoid Rinsing: Don’t rinse or swish vigorously.
    • No Straws or Spitting: Avoid using straws or spitting forcefully.
    • Cold Compress: Use a cold compress to reduce pain.

Healing takes time, and most people feel better after about 3 days. If you have any concerns, reach out to your Hallam Smiles dentist anytime.  

Root canal treatment

When a tooth needs to be saved from the brink of extraction, this procedure comes to the rescue. Let’s delve into the details:

  1. What Is It?

    • A root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, involves removing the infected or damaged dental pulp from inside a tooth.
    • Each tooth has a canal system that extends from the crown (top surface) to the root. Up to four canals house the dental pulp, which consists of connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.
  2. Why Might You Need It?

    • Infection or Decay: When bacteria infiltrate the tooth, causing an infection or abscess, a root canal can save it.
    • Injury or Wear: Severe injury, wear, or cracks can damage the dental pulp.
    • Deep Decay: Sometimes, deep tooth decay reaches the pulp.
    • Wisdom Teeth Woes: Even those elusive wisdom teeth may require a root canal.
  3. Symptoms That Signal Trouble:

    • Persistent Pain: Severe toothache that doesn’t yield to pain medication.
    • Chewing Challenges: Pain while biting or chewing.
    • Swollen Gums: Tender, swollen gums around the affected tooth.
    • Pus or Pimple: A pimple on the gums next to the tooth.
    • Tooth Discoloration: Darkening of the tooth.
    • Sensitivity: Sensitivity to hot or cold that lingers after removal of the stimulus.
  4. The Root Canal Process:

    • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia ensures a pain-free experience.
    • Isolation: A rubber dam keeps the area clean and dry.
    • Accessing the Pulp: The dentist locates and accesses the dental pulp.
    • Pulp Removal: Using small files and disinfectant, the damaged pulp is removed.
    • Filling the Space: The cleaned space is filled with a material called gutta-percha.
    • Sealing the Canal: The root canal filling is sealed to prevent reinfection.
    • Restoration: Finally, the crown of the tooth is fixed with a filling or crown.


Dental x-rays play a crucial role in assessing and guiding the treatment. So, if your tooth is in distress, Please call out and book an appointment with us.

Don't delay, book your consultation now with our dentists to discuss your oral health